Music - Page 13

Why Study Music?

John was about 9 years old. He’d been studying violin with me for about 5 years and it was my studio recital day. Right before it was time for him to perform, he walked quickly over to where I was sitting and
March 15, 2021

Teacher Tips: The Importance of Counting

Count! Count out loud and clap your rhythms. Count out loud as you play your rhythms. Count out loud while you practice with a metronome. Rhythm and counting are one of the most important aspects of being able to learn a piece
March 11, 2021

Above & Beyond Artist-Faculty Winners: March

Announcing our Above & Beyond Artist-Faculty winners for January: Vu Che (piano) and Lisa Nielsen (violin/viola)! Here’s some of what our community had to say about each teacher: Congrats to Vu & Lisa! You can nominate next month’s Above and Beyond winner
March 10, 2021

All You Need to Know About Piano | SoundWaves 2021

Each year, our summer music camp SoundWaves brings incredible musicians from across the world to work with campgoers. This year continues that tradition with esteemed pianists Stephanie Chevalier and Jack Winerock. Chevalier, a Suzuki piano instructor and early music specialist, will be
February 25, 2021

Above & Beyond Artist-Faculty Winners: January

Announcing our Above & Beyond Artist-Faculty winners for January: Andrew Stickman (guitar) and Grazzia Sagastume (violin/viola)! Here’s some of what our community had to say about each teacher: Congrats to Andrew and Grazzia! You can nominate next month’s Above and Beyond winner
January 12, 2021

Teacher Tips: Active Musical Listening

How often are we actively listening to the music around us? Personally, I have a playlist that is used specifically for background noise and is easy to ignore. That is the opposite of active listening! Active listening occurs when you fully immerse
December 15, 2020

Above & Beyond Artist-Faculty Winners: December

Announcing our Above & Beyond Artist-Faculty winners for December: Jessica Davis (violin) and Anne Madison (piano)! Here’s some of what our community had to say about each teacher: Congrats to Jessica and Anne! You can nominate next month’s Above and Beyond winner
December 13, 2020

Above & Beyond Artist-Faculty Winners: November

Announcing our Above and Beyond Artist-Faculty winners for November: Dr. Stacey Barelos (piano/composition) and Tyler Roberts (violin)! Here’s some of what our community had to say about each teacher: Congrats to Stacey and Tyler! You can nominate next month’s Above and Beyond
November 11, 2020

Congrats to Our 2020 All-State Selected Participants

Every year, the Nebraska Music Education Association (NMEA) provides an opportunity for high school students (grades 9-12) to participate in an all-state honor ensemble: All-State Orchestra All-State Chorus All-State Band All-State Jazz Band Students audition for the opportunity. This year’s All-State auditions
October 27, 2020

Stories from Childhood: Individual Performances

Stories from Childhood is a free family-friendly virtual concert experience that combines children’s books with musical compositions based on the works to captivate and inspire the child in all of us! Featuring unexpected characters who dare to be themselves, the books and
October 22, 2020
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