Every year, the Nebraska Music Education Association (NMEA) provides an amazing opportunity for high school instrumental and voice students (grades 9-12) to participate in an all-state ensemble. All-State Orchestra, Band, Jazz Band, and Chorus events each bring nationally acclaimed clinicians, composers, and music leaders together for a special weekend in November to celebrate the musical accomplishments of students across the state—first, however, students must go through a rather rigorous audition process that includes technical exercises like scales, a set of etudes, sight reading, and excerpts from the All-State repertoire.
Enter our fantastic Artist-Faculty members, Drs. Ian Rode-Sagastume, Sara Renner, and Ken Meints who created these helpful videos playing and discussing the etude selections for trumpet, oboe, and trombone. We hope that this resource will serve as a “mini-lesson” of sorts, helping students look at these exercises with fresh eyes and new ideas. Many thanks to Dr. Rode-Sagastume, Dr. Renner, and Dr. Meints for lending their expertise on these selections!
Make sure to click the icon with three lines and ‘play’ symbol (at the top of the video) to view the rest of the playlist!
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